


赌博游戏网站的四年里, the Trans4mations program guides you through a personalized sequence of experiences in and outside the classroom. 到你毕业的时候, 你会发现赌博游戏网站, 技能, 以及自信,让你在生活的各个方面都取得成功.

访问转换表单 & 资源

这是你的个人转变. 你准备好开始了吗?

  • 学习如何在课堂上取得成功.

    大学是一个新的开始. 一个新的开始. 一个重塑自我的机会.

    与Trans4mations, each year of your college experience includes personalized programs and opportunities that are designed to transform you into who you want to be.

    来帮助你一路前行, we’ve developed two courses: 赌博游戏网站 101 (CU 101) and 赌博游戏网站 102 (CU 102).

  • 赌博游戏网站101

    CU 101 is designed to integrate first-year students academically and socially into the college environment. 学生将发展对文科教育的理解, 对科克经验背后的价值观和传统的欣赏, 以及对大学社区的强烈归属感.

    该课程将提高学习和思考能力,以及自我管理能力. 学生 will participate in a personal fitness assessment that provides basic information on student wellness, and will serve as a benchmark pre-test for comparison during physical education courses later in their college career. 此外,学生将参加四项经批准的健康活动.

    CU 101的使命和目标
    作为第一年全面体验的一部分, the mission of 赌博游戏网站 101 is to assist incoming students in their transition toward successful development in academic and non-academic areas of college life. The course is designed to pair first-year students with faculty, staff, and peer mentors (i.e.(专员),他们将:

    • Introduce students to the college environment and assist them in navigating the institution
    • 使学生具备基本的学业成功技能(如.g.,有效的学习技巧,时间管理,学术诚信等.)
    • 协助学生学习个人成功技巧(如.g.、目标设定、职业和专业探索等.)
    • 促进学生之间以及教职员工之间的社交互动
    • 让学生接触校园和地区的文化活动和经历
    • 参与有益于校园的服务赌博游戏网站, Hartsville, 区域, 状态, 或者国家社区
    • 通过提高对人类多样性的认识来鼓励个人成长, 文化, 值, 和信仰
    • 培养对个人健康和幸福的理解
  • 赌博游戏网站102


    1. 对于尚未选择专业的学生, CU 102帮助他们从事职业和专业探索, 同时强调科克的文科方法的价值.学生 will explore all academic programs and/or departments to learn about courses of study and career opportunities in each major. The seminars will guide students through projects and assessments in which they will identify their interests, 值, 技能, 以及帮助他们明确自己的学术和职业规划的能力.

    2. 当可用的, students who have selected their major may substitute a departmental first-year seminar specific to their intended major for CU 102. 每个学术领域将设计与该领域相关的经验

    学生 transferring to Coker from another college may be eligible to exempt one or both of these First-Year Experience courses. Please contact the Office of the Provost for more information regarding possible exemptions.

  • 在更广泛的焦化社区中成长.

    真正的博雅教育不可能只从教科书中学到. 必须要有经验.
    在第二年, you’ll take your education out of the classroom by participating in community service and cultural events.

    提供服务学习的机会, 志愿者工作, 参与周围的文化活动, 最难的部分是选择做什么! 我们建议尝试几种选择:一场舞蹈音乐会, 服务旅行, 艺术展, 学术讲座——谁知道呢? 你可能会对打动你的东西感到惊讶.


    学生 beginning before Fall 2022 must accrue 18 units of community service and/or cultural event credit during their time at Coker. 这些单位可能积聚在一个单一的区域, 或者可以分为社区服务和文化活动. The number of units awarded for a specific act of service or event is determined by the Office of the Provost.

    While cultural event and community service participation is listed as a component of the sophomore year experience, 学生可以在科克学习期间获得学分. 了解更多信息, 请联系你的学术顾问, 学生成功教练, 或者教务长办公室.

    请使用 这种形式 提交您的信息和对经验的反思. 教务长办公室将审查您提交的可能的T4学分.
  • 社区服务

    没有比这更好的成长方式了, 了解你的社区, 或者去理解一个人对世界的影响.

    Through a variety of approved service opportunities with a wide range of organizations, 你可以把你在课堂上学到的东西应用到现实生活中. 既然你这么做了, 你也会更深刻地认识到我们对彼此的责任, 以及我们更广泛的人类社会.

    了解更多信息 on community service options at Coker, please contact the Office of the Provost.


    服务形式 & 资源

  • 文化活动

    Attending cultural events gives you the opportunity to experience another dimension of the academic world. 这些活动可能是表演、讲座或其他学术活动. 选择你感兴趣的,并自由地走出你的舒适区.


  • 将你的技能应用到赌博游戏网站以外的地方.


    想去哥斯达黎加学西班牙语? 在中国的经营策略如何? 课程长度从两周到一整个学期或更长, 我们会帮你找到一个完全适合你的赌博游戏网站.

    And you don’t have to go as far as Paris or Beijing; Coker faculty host a variety of domestic study away trips that allow you to experience diverse 文化 within our own country.

    With options including internships, field study, interim courses, and more—the choices are endless. 无论你选择去哪里, the Study Away experience will help you gain confidence as you adapt to unfamiliar situations. 这一技能将使你受益终生.

    如果你有兴趣出国留学,或者想了解更多 有关国内游学赌博游戏网站,请联系 Dr. 玛格丽特•戈德比所 教育旅游总监.

  • 学习常见问题


    学生 in Coker’s first-time undergraduate programs engage in an approved study away experience as a requirement for graduation.

    This academic experience involves travel to a location at some distance from the Coker campus and from the student’s home. 学生将完成一个与他或她的旅行地点相关的学术赌博游戏网站.


    大多数学生将通过参加学校来满足他们的外出学习要求 眼镜蛇在首都.

    每年秋季开学的时候, 大一新生将一起乘巴士前往华盛顿特区. C. 完成一段学术经历. 这满足了学生成绩单上的外出学习要求.


    “Study Away” includes any academic experience involving travel over a significant distance from the student’s home and Coker’s campus, 在美国境内或涉及到国外旅行.

    “Study Abroad” is a specialized form of study away that takes a student outside of the United States. 在国外学习的经历也算在国外学习.


    Whenever possible, Coker students are highly encouraged to participate in study abroad outside the U.S. 对几乎所有的学生来说,在另一个国家旅行是一次改变人生的经历, 我们强烈建议你在科克工作期间好好利用这个机会.


    教师 often offer educational trips that meet Coker’s study away requirement—some to domestic locations, 还有其他国家的人. 学生 who transfer to Coker may participate in these excursions to earn their study away credit.

    Past trips have included New York City; St. Augustine, Florida; Portugal; Spain; Germany; Chile; 成本a Rica; and the United Kingdom.


    我们知道旅行是很昂贵的, and work to find affordable solutions for all students while providing an enriching academic experience.

    许多财政援助机会可以支持学生在这方面的努力. 欲了解更多有关融资的信息,请联系 Dr. 凯文·凯尼恩.


    是的, 在许多情况下,学生可能会花一整个学期的时间来学习, 学生可以申请赌博游戏网站的经济援助.

  • 在你个人的顶点赌博游戏网站中把所有这些结合起来.


    You’ll complete your major with a capstone course or other advanced academic experience, 然后通过论文展示你的智力成就, 独奏会, 表演, 或其他公开演讲.

    Capstone experiences are an advanced form of scholarly activity in which students use the academic and professional 技能 developed over the course of their undergraduate career, 以在公共论坛上发表的学术作品而告终.

    Each student’s unique capstone experience is completely tailored to their personal academic and career goals. 这是对赌博游戏网站和技能的展示, challenging students to communicate and share what they’ve learned—and who they’ve become.

    了解更多信息 about capstone projects, students should speak with their academic advisor.

Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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